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Success is defined in many different ways within the magic community.

Some amateur magicians are hobbyists and do magic for fun to get the occasional paid gig, there are semi-pros who have a day job and occasionally work on the weekends, there are magicians who have another job in addition to being a full-time magician, and then there are professional fulltime magicians. I have been all of these different types of magicians in my career before I was named, Best Magician NYC.

My dream is to be a Hollywood magician. A magician who is well versed and comedy Magic and acting. One of my big inspirations in Magic is Steve Martin, a Magician, comedian, and actor. Steve Martin started his career as a magician and used it to get into becoming a writer and on late-night television. He was so funny and engaging that he could use his magical skills to get into acting and other comedy areas. Steve Martin is an extraordinary incredible singer and has his band. I want to be a lot like Steve Martin.

There is an astonishing amount of competitiveness to become a Hollywood magician, comedian, and actor. I go on Network auditions that thousands of people have submitted for, and it’s tough to differentiate yourself from all the other Talent. Steve Martin said, “Be so good they can’t ignore you.” That is the quote I live by.

Climbing the mountain top to Hollywood is extremely difficult. You start in a lush, pristine valley, that is easy to come content with, and never leave. But then there’s the mountaintop that’s exceptionally high and has a Hollywood sign on top with a giant party with all of the celebrities’ Fame and money.

Eighteen years ago, I decided to leave my valley and hike to the top of the mountain of Success. In the beginning, the walk was straightforward. It was at a slight incline, and many animals and nature passed by, and I felt part of a community. The steeper I began to climb, the more I noticed that there were fewer people on my path to support me and push me along. The vegetation got less and less, and there were more and more rocks in my way. Eventually, I reached the tree line where there was no more vegetation and just rocks and dirt to see if there were inclines. I could see the mountaintop. I felt that I was getting close.

I hiked higher and higher and higher, but my legs started to hurt. I felt like giving up. The higher I climbed, the easier it became for me to give up. There were times when I took the wrong path and made terrible decisions for my future, and then I ran into a wise man who was very good at hiking and had been on my way before. His name was Jeff McBride.

Jeff took me by the hand when I was about to fall and picked me up to help guide me along the path, and helped me be named The Best Magician NYC. Jeff couldn’t do the work for me, but he could point me in the right direction and save me time and energy. I began to hike faster and faster, and I reached the part of the mountain where there were clouds, and I couldn’t see the top anymore. The climbing got scarier and scarier. The weather was cold and windy; sometimes, I would lose traction on My feet. I had to crawl on my hands and knees upward and upward. I climbed so high that there was no way to go back. The only way I could see was to continue forward or risk death.

I wish I could say I’m at the top of the mountain now that I was named, Best Magician NYC, but I know I am not. A couple of weeks ago, I briefly saw the top of the mountain through the mist and the clouds, and I knew I was getting close. I hadn’t seen the top of the mountain for over three years, but now I feel I’m getting closer and closer to reaching my goal of the top of the mountain and the Hollywood sign.

The Hollywood sign in Hollywood is quite an illusion. They put it too low it’s too easy to climb to almost anyone can do it, but in reality, not many can.

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